Saturday, 26 January 2008

This is a picture of the fence outside my house on the other side
of it is a grave yard this picture wasn't suppose to be like this if you can see the little orange dot above the fence near the leaf thats the moon i tried taking a picture of that but instead this turned out and whilst looking at the moon without the camera the moon was a lot bigger.
I think the fence could do with a paint!. lol


imac said...

Ah when you try to photograph some things, the camera sometimes comes up with something you didnt expect, but that doesnt mean it not right, for this is a super shot never the less, enjoy this shot.

Tom said...

I agree with Imac here Becky... I like this, and the moon is there to see when enlarged.. Next time you are down here I will give you a program that I use, it's so easy to resize your pictures with.

See you soon Becki.

Dick said...

I like it this way, sometimes things come out different as you want them to be, but sometimes it is surprising too.