Saturday, 5 January 2008

Candle light.

I love my candles i think there the most relaxing thing to look at i have at least 20 round my living room & kitchen.
It's a good job my partner likes them aswell otherwise i would of had no chance in


Texel in vogelvlucht. Gerard said...

Hello Becki.
Thank you for visiting my Blog. You have also verry nice photo's on your Blog. The man on the bycicle is great.
Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

I think or thought I was already here but guess not. It is a nice blog you have here.

imac said...

Marble light, such a good idea and great photo.

Hope you dont mind but can you please an old man and do your text in another colour please, with my old eyes its hard to read pink Becki. Thanks so

Come Swanning with me

Tom said...

Hi Becki... ha! Imac beat me to it love... you know what my eyes are like...
I must admit I do like your picture Becks, Jane likes her candles as you know.. call round and see her new candle holder next week. My cold should have gone by then.

Becki said...

hope this colour is better for you

imac said...

Thank you O mighty Becki, tis good on my eyes now, us poor ol men dont arf suffer yer

Come and join me for ------

Cape Cod Washashore said...

I love candles, too! I found a place near me that sells candy boxes full of tiny tealight candles, each one a different scent. It's like buying a box of chocolates you can't eat but they sure smell good!

Cape Cod Washashore said...

AH HA! I just saw on your profile you are a Taurus! There are LOADS of us in blogland I am finding out! Of the six people in my house, three of us are Taurus! =)

DeeMom said...

Love marbles as well, speaking from my semi mature kid side...