Thursday 10 January 2008


This is a picture of one of my mums new fairy ornament she got it for Christmas to go with the rest of the collection she has, I'd say she has at least 30 maybe more I'm not really sure but i no she does have a lot, every time she goes out she always comes home with one more even i cant resist buying her one when i see one its just hard to remember witch one's she has.


Tom said...

Hi Becks
Yourmum is as mad if nt madder than Jane... both seem to collect stuff like this. Jane says the biggest Junk she ever collected was ME Becki... "as if".
You could do a series of pictures on these Becki... I know Jane will like it, and if you like carry it on with those of Janes too.
See you soon

Anonymous said...

Nice photo. Patty also has boxes of these things and once upon a time she put them all out. Now she has a tree without anything on it but microscopic lights at the end of thread-like strands of plastic. Fibers I think. Anyway, the things she collected, like this, are seldom seen anymore.

DeeMom said...

awwwwwwwwwwwww I like faires also